The Blessings of Visiting Grandma and Grandpa Available on Kindle

Children's rhyming story Kindle book ebook Amazon The Blessings of Visiting Grandma and Grandpa by Christian author illustrator Franicia Tomokane White Saipan.jpg
Children's rhyming story Kindle book ebook Amazon The Blessings of Visiting Grandma and Grandpa by Christian author illustrator Franicia Tomokane White Saipan.jpg

The Blessings of Visiting Grandma and Grandpa is available on Amazon through their Kindle services. Currently, Amazon Prime Members are able to borrow the children's rhyming story book for free from their Kindles.

The Kindle version is currently sold for $6.99 and will be available for free during a promotional 5 day period. Visit the website for announcements of when the free download period begins on Amazon.

If you'd like to be notified of promotions and when the children's book will be available for free, fill out the Contact Form to be notified of Promotions and Giveaways.